The Leader in Jobsite Security Throughout Arizona and Texas.

Visible Surveillance Cameras or Hidden Surveillance Cameras: Which is Better?
We are here to help solve your theft and vandalism problems.

Visible Surveillance Cameras or Hidden Surveillance Cameras: Which is Better?

We often receive questions whether visible surveillance cameras or hidden surveillance cameras are the best solution. While both strategies for surveillance have advantages, we recommend visible cameras on construction sites.

Why use Visible Surveillance Cameras for Construction Sites?

visible surveillance cameras

Visible surveillance cameras deter theft before it is even a problem. Hidden cameras might catch an image of a thief, but they require apprehending the person and trying to recover the value of stolen goods. This doesn’t always happen, which means you lose profit on your project. Visible surveillance cameras alert a thief, and he is likely to target a more vulnerable target.


Visible cameras have many advantages beyond protecting a site after hours. They also alert employees, contractors, and subcontractors. The sad truth of our industry is that much theft that occurs is tied to someone working on the site. Sometimes materials or tools disappear during working hours. Sometimes information is given to another party for how to get in or what to steal after hours. However, a good surveillance system with visible cameras will discourage all sources of theft.

Also, because you place hidden cameras in a place difficult to see, visible surveillance cameras also get a much wider range of view.

What is the best way to use Visible Surveillance Cameras on Construction Sites?

Visible surveillance cameras have their own challenges. If your surveillance company does not take time to understand your site’s needs, the cameras may not be much help. If you use a surveillance company that customizes your solutions, they will be sure to place the cameras where they are not easily vandalized. Depending on your needs, your cameras should include video analytics, video verified alarm system, and monitoring to ensure the highest level of protection for your site. With all the pieces in place, your construction site will benefit from the highest level of service and protection.

While hidden cameras serve a great purpose in many applications, visible surveillance cameras will benefit your construction site the most.



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