The Leader in Jobsite Security Throughout Arizona and Texas.

The Power of Mobile Security: A Case Study
We are here to help solve your theft and vandalism problems.

The Power of Mobile Security: A Case Study

It is one thing to talk about mobile security and the potential it has at preventing loss at a job site or utility location.

It is quite another thing to be able to look at how a large utility company in the southwest was able to use a Mobile Surveillance Unit (MSU) as a part of its power distribution site perimeter protection. The details of this study will give a realistic picture of how utilizing this type of cost effective technology can not only increase site security, but also offer tools that can aid in the apprehension of suspects. The greatest benefit is that all of this is done from a remote location and offers a layer of protection for an off-site security officer who is able to provide real-time information to police from a secure location.

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On February 13, 2014 at 01:30am, a perimeter alert was activated at a utility company power distribution center. This alert allowed a security officer to utilize a series of high resolution infrared cameras to scan the fence line to determine the nature of the alert.

At approximately 01:31am, one of the infrared cameras spotted two individuals pushing a large spool of copper wire from the middle of the power distribution site, towards the fence line. At this time, the security officer was able to call the police department and confirm that there was a theft in progress. Because one of the cameras was a fully controllable pan-tilt-zoom camera, the security officer was able to zero in on the suspects and begin providing descriptions of two of the suspects to the police officers en route. As all of this was unfolding, the entire incident was being captured in real time and stored onto a secure hard drive.

At 01:33am, the security officer maneuvered the pan-tilt zoom camera to focus in on a truck that had pulled up to the fence, and a third suspect was identified.  The details of the truck were also captured and recorded for identification and evidence.

At 01:35am, the security officer observed the three men loading pieces of copper cut from the spool of wire into the truck bed.  As they came in and out of the camera shot, all activities continued to be recorded.

At 01:38am, the 3 subjects made an attempt to load the entire spool of wire into the bed of the truck.  Using the high resolution capabilities of the camera, the security officer was able to zoom in on the spool of wire and capture the serial number stamped on the spool for identification. At this moment, the security officer was able to recognize the lights of the police cruisers responding to the call from one of the perimeter cameras and witnessed the subjects fleeing the scene in the truck.

At 01:45am, the police called the security officer and communicate that they had successfully pulled over the fleeing truck and had begun questioning the subjects.

At 02:20am, the police contacted the security officer again and asked for full descriptions from the video of the 3 subjects. Two of the three subjects were able to be confirmed in the vehicle at that time, and were detained. Note: this was just 50 minutes after the first perimeter alert was activated.

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Eventually, all three subjects were caught and arrested and are awaiting trial. The details in this study are from an actual incident that was captured through the use of advanced technology utilized by Eyesite Surveillance, Inc. with clients all over the southwest.

There are many options available for providing mobile site security, however Eyesite Surveillance is leading the way through the use of quality service and cutting edge technology tailored to the customer’s specific needs, which provides the end user with a reliable, cost effective solution to prevent losses and improve profitability.

For more information on how Eyesite Surveillance, Inc. can partner with you for all your security needs, please visit or call 1-855-4No-Theft (855-466-8433).



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